

Chicken Nuggets 鸡块
French Fries 薯条
Egg Tart 葡挞
Taro Ball Coconut Milk 芋圆糖水
Cream Cheesecake 冰乳酪芝士蛋糕
Basque Burnt Cheesecake 巴斯克芝士蛋糕
Durian Mille Crepe Cake 榴莲千层蛋糕
Strawberry Mille Crepe Cake 草莓千层蛋糕
Oreo Mille Crepe Cake 奥利奥千层蛋糕
Chocolate Mille Crepe Cake 巧克力千层蛋糕
Tiramisu Mille Crepe Cake 提拉米苏千层蛋糕
Mango Mille Crepe Cake 芒果千层蛋糕
Matcha Mille Crepe Cake 抹茶千层蛋糕
Vanilla Mille Crepe Cake 原味千层蛋糕
Durian Chiffon Cake 榴莲戚风蛋糕
Almond Salted cream Chiffon Cake 杏仁奶盐戚风蛋糕
Matcha red bean Chiffon Cake 抹茶红豆戚风蛋糕
Oreo Chiffon Cake 奥利戚风奥蛋糕

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